Australian Finishing School

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How do you Dress Elegant and Classy?

If you're trying to be elegant, start by wearing classic styles of clothing, like knee-length skirts and tailored button-down shirts, and choosing clothes made from high-quality fabrics, like silk and satin. Never too baggy, never too tight; the clothing of an elegant woman looks like it was made to fit just her.

How does a woman look elegant? The Way You Look

  1. Posture: Stand up straight and hold your head up when you walk. Don't slouch when you sit. ...

  2. Expression: Don't frown. You don't have to constantly smile, but try to have a friendly look on your face. You become more approachable.

  3. Attire: Dress appropriately. appropriate shoes and clothing that makes you feel confident and included is a must.

  4. Makeup: Understated is always better than too much makeup. Make sure your powder and foundation is even, we suggest using a primer, and translucent for setting. make sure you go down your neck and around your jawline evenly.

  5. Positive Self talk. See the success of your day or the event you are attending. When you send out positive ambience, you gain greater success in your experiences.

What makes an outfit elegant?

If you want to go for a specially elegant look: get pieces in black, white, pink, and grey. Stick to a neutral palette and get those pieces tailored. A great fitting wardrobe shows style and elegance. And to be honest, once you get pieces that fit, you won't have to keep buying the same pieces over and over.