Australian Finishing School

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How to Look Elegant while Working From Home

Working From Home Etiquette Tips with The Australian Finishing School. Australia’s leading etiquette-training provider. Maintain motivation, Dress Appropriately, stick to a routine, take care of your physical and mental health.

No1 - Maintain motivation: set a routine, get up early, have a shower and get dressed. As you would with work. Choose to wear a basic level of makeup and styled hair.

No2 - Create tasks to complete: list what you aim to compete in order of importance

No3- ensure you have a balanced day of exercise, healthy eating and social interaction online

No4- Do not stay in workout clothes all day. Even though they are comfortable we are talking about adulting and not losing our sense of composure. We want to remain ladies and gentleman and a sense of purpose

No5- Maintain your nails, keep them clean and manicured. This is a great time to try out makeup you don’t normally use to see how it lasts and whether it is worth keeping.

No6- Time to organise and Marie-Kondo your wardrobe and household Items. Living in a clean space gives you clarity and calm.

No7- Dress corporate if you have a corporate job. You will feel more ready for the job and expectation of work.

No8- Invest in quality technology. Ensure you have suitable Internet connection.

No9- Build a permanent working space. We are creatures of comfort

No10- Give yourself adequate breaks. Not just those breaks to the fridge we want to stay lean and health. Drink plenty of water.

Author: Amanda King